

  • Supported Accommodation for Care Leavers and young people (16+)
  • Young People with learning difficulties
  • Young Offenders.
  • Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young people.
  • 24 Hour supported accommodation.

Semi-Independant Accommodations:

  • Available with Floating Support, our Specialised Support Packages are for Young Persons with Autisim, ADHD, ADD, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children and Young offenders.

Keywork sessions & Counselling:

  • We offer keyworking and counselling support to help care leavers and those young people that are under our care, to overcome difficulties they have experienced , and to support them to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem to live sustainable lives.

Young People Criminal Exploitation:

  • We specialise in gang work deterrence and have a bespoke training programme provided by our experienced key workers focusing on drug trafficking/county lines, sexual coercion and storing drugs and weapons.

We provide individual key working sessions to address the specific needs of each young person placed with us. Key working sessions by our experienced and skilled staff members will be tailored to suit the needs of each young person and in concurrence with their pathway plan. Key work sessions will support young people, address their concerns and help them achieve independent living skills to move on from our care as successful and responsible individuals who achieve for themselves and make a positive contribution to the larger society.

We at Bright Future Living strive to make a difference to such young people. We ensure that all our homes are maintained to a ver high standard of cleanliness and physical presentation so that young people have a warm, nurturing home environment that make them feel good about their room and placement. All our homes are staffed at all times to ensure that there is someone to talk to and support young people whenever they are in need. Key workers provide a nurturing, warm and caring environment that will enable our young people to feel valued and respected. Staff present at the homes ensure that there is monitoring at all times and that boundaries are kept. This also makes young people less susceptible to temptations to experiment or abuse their accommodation.